In the western countries the religion doesn't play a significant role in our lives, but there are two things that are good substitutes: free markets and wine. 

I was yesterday sitting in terrace with my friends and fasting almost 24h hours (I drank pint of Pepsimax after 20:00) as I saw some girl putting icecubes to her sparkling wine. Even though the thing they sell in Willi Väinö may not be Dom Perignon, as an alumnus of academic wine society  the eyes were coming out from my eyes as if I had Basedown disease. "What an uncivilized low-educated bitch" was my first reaction. Afterwards I was wondering how is it possible that me, who is otherwise breaking the rules constantly in the kitchen in purpose, can have such a conservative view about drinking alcohol.

In the old days and of course also now especially in France the philosophy of making wine is closer to art than science. Every bottle of wine is a piece of art reflecting the piece of land where its grapes have grown and the weather conditions that were present. It's a sin to modify to mix this liquid form of art with ice, soda or other wine. It's of course common that the wine producer is mixing different grapejuices and wines with each other, but it's him, not the consumer that should decide what is the best combination. Mixing wine from Australia and Italia together? No, No and No. 

They say everybody had unique taste and that everybody doesn't have to like Chateu Petrus and understand why it's dirt expensive, but there's strong opinion how the wine is best served: temperature and food that it should be combined with. Usually it's true for most of the tastes, but if you happen to like your Chardonnay sake-warm, it's a sign that you don't know anything about wine.   

Even though with wines I'm a purist that thinks perfect wine should not be spoiled eating it with food that is modifying the taste, I have sometimes experimented mixing tap white wine with tap red wine, cause both were undrinkable. But of course in the future I don't want to spoil my health with that kind of crap.