It seems the body needed about one week to adaptate itself to Ramadan: this week has been more energetic and appetite has also increased so no fear of being skeleton 31.8.

This weekend will start another challenge: The Weddings. I will be sleeping at my friend's parents-in-law`s place who most propably will be death-worried if I won't eat breakfast. :) At the weddings first official time to eat is about that time when the sun is literally under the horizol and I supposed to play "Saarenmaan valssi" with my accordion (this is comparable to running marathon after running 5-6km jogs).

After having problems with my own anger management in facebook (playing Soviet-card to some Estonian who was commenting my photo where I have slightly sad face)  I was on the streets facing people having more severe problems. Usually I just get provoked when some strangers shout for example because I drive bike 7km/h in the walking lane etc, but maybe next time I should stop and ask how are they. Cause I bet people who can't keep their mouth shut for somebody doing something very minor must have either a major bad hair day or mental problems that shoud be consulted.